Apple mint is also called as wooly mint.
Apple mint is a member of the mint genus mentha that ranges through
southern and western europe and the western mediterranean region. It is
hybrid,herbaceous and perrenial plant that is most ommonly grow as a
culinary herb.
It grows to 40-100 cm tall and diffuses itself by rhizomes to form
clonal colonies. The foliage is light green, with the opposite; sessile
leaves being oblong to nearly ovate, 3-5 cm long and 2-4 cm broad. Their
leaves are hairy on the top and downy underneath with serrated edges.
Apple mint plant gives light pink purple flowers in mid to late summers.
The low branches grow upward then flop over and root, spreading the plant
wherever it can reach. Its flowers are attractive and brief. They do
attract bees and other insects. .
Seeds of apple mint germinate in 15-20 days. Full size plants depend
upon variety and growing conditions. It is hardy and easy to grow,
preferring full-sun to lightly-shady conditions. Harvesting takes place
after two months.
Its leaves are used for boiling and other purpose in food. Whole of mint
can be used.
It is often used as ornamental plant. Mostly used in culinary purpose. Its leaves can be used to make apple mint jelly as well as to give a flavor in dishes. It is also used in making mint tea, for garnishing purpose and in salads.